Facial and full body massage

Treat yourself to a lovely «mountain spa» experience. NOK 1880,-.


Please contact us for prices, availability and possibly other options for this product. Select the correct number of guests and dates and click "Contact us".



City town

Helselaben AS

The day before, 15:00


Treat yourself to a lovely «mountain spa» experience at Helselaben. To check the availability contact us at info@hemsedalaktiv.no.

60 minutes classic massage of the entire body: You can choose between energizing, soothing or warming essential oils from the Norwegian fauna. An electric blanket and delicious heated slippers stimulate the circulation. All fibroids and sore points are treated, leaving you with a feeling of relaxation from head to toe.  

45 minute facial and scalp massage: A light facial cleanser followed by a facial massage with essential oils tailored to your skin type. Finally, you will receive a soothing scalp massage that stimulates hair roots and causes you to release any residual tension. 

We also offer other spa packages and massage. Contact us on info@hemsedalaktiv.no for information and prices.